KLEM + Co owner and founder, Kate McFadzen-Lindsay

A Leap of Faith

KLEM + Co is the product of propagation; having already built one photography business, owner + founder Kate McFadzen-Lindsay saw the need to niche down and dive deep into brand photography and its related services. After serving dozens of brand clients under this already existing business, KLEM + Co was created as a division of the KLEM Studios brand. This allows our brand clients to be intentionally and authentically served, without all the other noise or distractions.

We know how important it is to have strong imagery that authentically captures you and your business because your potential clients are craving a connection with a brand that goes way beyond a transaction. The key to connection and standing out in the digital world is authenticity, mixed with a bit of vulnerability and a lot of fun + play. Over 80% of consumers say that authenticity of content is the most influential factor in their decision to follow a brand, which will then result in greater impact (as well as sales).

You exist on this Earth because you matter and you’re here to make a difference. Your brand, your vision, and who you are as a human being is unique from everyone else out there.

That deserves to be celebrated and shared with the world. You’ve poured your heart and soul into your business, and it’s been a labor of love. Now it’s time to pour some love into yourself and your brand image. Brand photography is business self-care, which in turn fills your cup and renews your energy and drive. You’re worthy of this experience, and we love that we can give this to you.

Welcome to the next level of your brand, and your life.

About Kate

– Founder and Co-owner, Lead Photographer

A few quick, fun facts:

  • I’m an empathic Pisces and an Enneagram 8

  • My favorite crystal is Aventurine

  • National parks, craft beer, and good food are my jam

Hey folks, I’m Kate, and I’m so grateful that you stopped by. I live in Green Bay, WI with my husband, Andy. He has shown me what "true love" really means, and is the greatest life partner a girl could ask for. Together, we are new parents to our amazing daughter, Avery, who is the light of our lives.

I am the owner and CEO of three photography brands: KLEM + Co, KLEM Studios, and Wild Klementine. As a total foodie and craft beer snob, some of my favorite experiences to have are around the dinner table, sharing amazing food and drink with incredible people. Experiences are more thrilling to me than material possessions. I am always planning the next great adventure that will take me around the world, and I dream about places I have yet to explore. I’m an eco-conscious gal, striving to live a life with minimal impact on our planet. My life so far has been an amazing journey, and I am deeply appreciative to every person, place, and experience that has been a part of it.

I look forward to seeing how we can enhance each other’s lives!

XO, Kate

Photos by KLEM Studios